On July 3rd, Google today pushed Android P Beta 3 and said that this is a milestone version of the Android P Developer Preview this year. Since the developer API was completed in the last update, Beta 3 is now very close to what will be seen in the final version of Android P that will be released later this summer.
The Android P API has been built in the previous betas. Beta 3 is mainly about bug fixes and minor improvements, as well as security updates for July 2018. This update does not add new features, the official version may be launched in August or September.
In addition, in the Android P Beta 3 version pushed today, Google has improved the dark theme mode of the native system. After the user has upgraded, the theme tones can be modified via the Settings -> Display -> Device Theme option. Currently, there are three options for automatic (based on wallpaper), light and dark.
It should be noted that the “dark mode” provided by Google is only dark processed in some interfaces, such as drop-down notification bar, shortcut settings panel, application drawers and folders, etc., and set pages and other elements. It has not changed.
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