The RISC V processor architecture is supported by more well-known companies in the industry. About 80 companies including Google, Samsung, and Qualcomm will jointly develop new RISC-V chip designs for applications such as self-driving cars. RISC-V is an open source instruction set architecture based on Reduced Instruction Set (RISC) principles. It allows anyone to design, manufacture and sell RISC-V chips and software. With the equal performance, costs and energy consumption are lower. Businesses have considerable appeal.
By Derrick Coetzee (User: Dcoetzee) [CC0], via Wikimedia Commons
“Western Digital and Nvidia also plan to use the new chip design for some of their products,” while Tesla “has joined the RISC-V Foundation and is considering using the tech in its new chip efforts.”
The main motivation: RISC-V is free to use, Arm designs are expensive to license, and there’s still scope for using the open-source designs to create chips for many upcoming applications.
The Linux kernel has added initial support for the RISC-V architecture. With the support of the Linux kernel, the popularity of RISC-V is expected to increase further.
Source: Slashdot