HoundSploit is an advanced search engine for Exploit-DB developed in Python using Flask as a micro web framework, born with the aim of showing the user the most accurate search results.
- Effective version number filtering
- Advanced filtering
- Search suggestions with customization
- Syntax highlighting of the source code of exploits and shellcodes
- Downloading of the source code of exploits and shellcodes
- Highlighting of searched words in search results
- Check for updates (both for software and database)
News in HoundSploit 2
- Flask instead of Django
- SQLAlchemy instead of Django ORM
- The kernel of the search engine is the same used in hsploit, which is the CLI version of HoundSploit
- Dark and Light themes
Advanced filtering
Using advanced search you can use the following filters for filtering search results:
- Search operator:
- Author
- Type
- Platform
- Port
- Date interval
Search suggestion
You can choose to show a particular suggestion for a given searched string. For each case, you can also decide to use automatic replacement or not. It is possible to add new suggestions and delete the existing suggestions.
You can choose to use the Light or the Dark theme
Copyright © 2020, Nicolas Carolo. All rights reserved.