IDA EA: A set of exploitation/reversing aids for IDA


IDA EA – A set of exploitation/reversing aids for IDA


Context Viewer

New context viewer for IDA, Features include:

  • Recursive pointer dereference
  • History browser
  • Color-coded memory
  • Instruction rewind feature
  • A similar interface to that of popular GDB plugins (eg. PEDA/GEF)

screen 1

Instruction Emulator

  • Live annotate the results if furture instructions in IDA using the Unicorn CPU emulator
  • Can be hooked to breakpoints
  • Visualise instructions before execution

screen 3

Heap Explorer

Explore current heap state of Glibc binaries

  • Trace allocations
  • Enumerate bins
  • View all free and allocated chunks headers
  • Useful for heap exploitation / debugging.

screen 1

Trace Dumper

  • Dump the results of an IDA trace into a Pandas Dataframe
  • Analyze traces in Python using Pandas

screen 2



  • GDB bindings for IDA
  • GDB style mem queries + searches

screen 2


  • Restyle IDA using GUI.

screen 3



No core dependencies for the plugin. Nevertheless, certain features will be disabled without these python libraries installed:

Trace Dumper

  • Pandas

Instruction Emulator

  • Unicorn CPU emulator
  • Capstone Dissasembler


Place ida_ea folder in IDA Pro directory (C:\Users\{name}\AppData\Roaming\Hex-Rays\IDA Pro on Windows)

Add line from ida_ea import ea_main to your idapythonrc file.

Plugin is accessed via IDA EA tab added to the menu bar


Only tested on Windows with IDA 6.8

Only supports x86/x86-64 binaries

Alpha release so expect many bugs!
