inhale: malware analysis and classification tool


Inhale – Malware Inhaler

Inhale is a malware analysis and classification tool that is capable of automating and scaling many static analysis operations.

Inhale started as a series of small scripts that I used when collecting and analyzing a large amount of malware from diverse sources. There are plenty of frameworks and tools for doing similar work, but none of them really matched my workflow of quickly finding, classifying, and storing information about a large number of files. Some also require expensive API keys and other services that cost money.

Data Model

The following is the current data model used for the elasticsearch database. Not every one of these will be used for every given file. Any r2_* tags are typically reserved for binaries of some sort.

Name Description
filename The full path of the binary
file_ext The file extension
filesize The file size
filetype Filetype based on magic value. Not as reliable as binwalk signatures.
md5 The files MD5 hash
sha1 The files SHA1 hash
sha256 The files SHA256 hash
added The date the file was added
r2_arch Architecture of the binary file
r2_baddr The binary’s base address
r2_binsz The size of the program code
r2_bits Architecture bits – 8/16/32/64 etc.
r2_canary Whether or not stack canaries are enabled
r2_class Binary Class
r2_compiled The date that the binary was compiled
r2_dbg_file The debug file of the binary
r2_intrp The interpreter that the binary calls if dynamically linked
r2_lang The language of the source code
r2_lsyms Whether or not there are debug symbols
r2_machine The machine type, usually means the CPU the binary is for
r2_os The OS that the machine is supposed to run on
r2_pic Whether or not there is Position Independent Code
r2_relocs Whether or not there are relocations
r2_rpath The run-time search path – if applicable
r2_stripped Whether or not the binary is stripped
r2_subsys The binary’s subsystem
r2_format The binary format
r2_iorw Whether ioctl calls are present
r2_type The binary type, whether or not it’s an executable, shared object etc.
yara Contains a list of yara matches
binwalk Contains a list of binwalk signatures and their locations in the binary
tags Any user defined tags passed with the -t flag.
url The origin url if a file was remotely downloaded
urls Any URLs that have been pulled from the binary


Install & Use

Author: @netspooky