THC-HYDRA-windows: The THC-HYDRA tool compiled for Windows

THC-Hydra is a very fast (multi-threaded) network logon cracker which supports many different services: AFP, Cisco, cisco-enable, CVS, Firebird, ftp, http-get, http-head, http-proxy, https-get, https-head, https-form-get, https-form-post, ICQ, IMAP, IMAP-NTLM, ldap2, ldap3, MySQL, mysql, NCP, nntp, oracle-listener, PCAnywhere, pcnfs, pop3, pop3-NTLM, Postgres, rexec, rlogin, rsh, sapr3, sip, smb, smbnt, SMTP-auth, SMTP-auth-NTLM, SNMP, socks5, ssh2, svn, Teamspeak, telnet, vmauthd, vnc.


  • The latest 8.7_dev version (2018-07-28)
  • Compiled for x86 so should work on x86 and x64 platforms
  • Compiled with SSH and MySQL optional modules
  • Embedded Cygwin DLLs

Install thc-hydra on Windows machine

  1. Clone the repo: git clone
  2. Run hydra.exe
  3. Profit
