Installation & Configuration ChaosVPN


ChaosVPN is a system to connect Hackers.

Design principals include that it should be without Single Point of Failure, make usage of full encryption, use RFC1918 ip ranges, scales well on >100 connected networks and is being able to run on an embedded hardware you will find in our today’s router. It should be designed that no one sees other peoples traffic. It should be mainly autoconfig as in that besides the joining node no administrator of the network should be in the need to actually do something when a node joins or leaves. If you want to find a solution for a Network without Single Point of failure, has – due to Voice over IP – low latency and that no one will see other peoples traffic you end up pretty quick with a full mesh based network.

Therefore we came up with the tinc solution. tinc does a fully meshed peer to peer network and it defines endpoints and not tunnels.

ChaosVPN connects hacker wherever they are. We connect road warriors with their notebook. Servers, even virtual ones in Datacenters, Hacker houses, and hackerspaces. To sum it up we connect networks – may be down to a small /32.

So there we are. It is working and it seems the usage increases, more nodes join in and more services pop up.


  • Installation dependency package

    If you get an “E: The package bison is not available for the candidate” error, please add them to your sources.list file
    deb stable chaosvpn
    deb-src stable chaosvpn
    apt-get update

  • Install
    apt-get install chaosvpn

    If the error cannot be installed

    vi /etc/apt/sources.list
    deb wheezy/updates main
    apt-get update
    apt-get install libssl1.0.0
    apt-get install chaosvpn


  • For tinc and chaosvpn docking operation
    mkdir -p /etc/tinc/chaos
    tincd –ne=chaosvpn –generate-keys=2048
    if you get “Error opening file `/etc/tinc/=chaosvpn/rsa_key.priv’: No such file or directory” error, then run a command:
    mkdir /etc/tinc/chaos/ecdsa_key.priv
  •  executed
    tincd –ne=chaosvpn –generate-keys=2048
  • run command
    vi /etc/tinc/chaosvpn.conf
    Change parameters
    $ my_vpn_ip = 172.31。<your Subnet>。[1-255]
    Only use a-z, 0-9 and underline
    Ip address to be changed to 172.31.x.x
    Save the exit.
  • you have to join chaosVPN also must write a letter of introduction to indicate your motive, send mail to
  • If you join, in the terminal input chaosvpn, you can see some information.

    The contents of the letter of introduction are:

  • Start
    /etc/init.d/chaosvpn start

  • View the chaosvpn network port
    route -n