jfscan v1.6.2 releases: super fast & customisable port scanner, based on Masscan & NMap
The JFScan is a wrapper around a super-fast port scanner Masscan. It’s designed to simplify work when scanning for open ports on targets in mixed formats, including domain names. Some useful modules are included, such as modules for subdomain enumeration using Amass and crt.sh. The JFScan accepts a target in the following forms: URL, domain, or IP (including CIDR). You can specify a file with targets using argument or just use stdin.
The JFScan also allows you to output only the results and chain it with other tools, for example, Nuclei. The domain:port output of JFScan is crucial if you want to discover vulnerabilities in web applications as the virtual host decides which content will be served.
Finally, it can scan discovered ports with Nmap, you can also define custom options and use Nmap’s amazing scripting capabilities.
JFScans logic of input & output processing:
- Scan with nmap fast! Allows you to scan targets with Masscan and run Nmap on discovered ports with the possibility of custom options. Nmap on steroids.
- Allows to scan targets in multiple formats.
- Can output results in domain:port format.
- Works in stdin/stdout mode, so you can pipe results to other tools.
Changelog v1.6.2
- Added a lot of yummy ports! Fixed some minor bug – information about IP count was wrong by 2 hosts.
Install & Use
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