The famous indie game developer Jonathan Blow thinks that C++ is a terrible language, and it is awful that he wants to stop his work and invent a new language to improve the quality of life of programmers. Jonathan Blow is the author of the famous independent decryption games Braid and The Witness. In the summer of 2014, he was also working on the design of C++’s alternative language, Jai, when he was developing The Witness.
“Blow is the developer of two games so far — Braid and The Witness — and developed a new programming language known as Jai in hopes to help C++ game developers become more productive.
With Jai, Blow hopes to achieve three things: improve the quality of life for the programmer because “we shouldn’t be miserable like many of us are”; simplify the systems; and increase expressive power by allowing programmers to build a large amount of functionality with a small amount of code.“
Jai is still under development and has not yet been made public. Blow talks about the main flaws in C++ in Gamelab Barcelona: he believes that the layered ecosystem of C++ is too complicated to increase the complexity of solving different problems. The more layers, the higher the heap, the more unstable it becomes, and the more difficult it is to understand. His Jai language attempts to solve these problems, simplify the system, increase the expressive power, and allow programmers to build a lot of functionality with a small amount of code.