joomlavs: black box Joomla vulnerability scanner



A black box, Ruby powered, Joomla vulnerability scanner, Ruby application that can help automate assessing how vulnerable a Joomla installation is to exploitation. It supports basic fingerprinting and can scan for vulnerabilities in components, modules, and templates as well as vulnerabilities that exist within Joomla itself.


sudo apt-get install build-essential patch

sudo apt-get install ruby-dev zlib1g-dev liblzma-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev

Ensure Ruby [2.2.6 or above] is installed on your system
Clone the source code using git clone
Install bundler and required gems using sudo gem install bundler && bundle install


usage: joomlavs.rb [options]

Basic options
-u, --url The Joomla URL/domain to scan.
--basic-auth <username:password> The basic HTTP authentication credentials
-v, --verbose Enable verbose mode
Enumeration options
-a, --scan-all Scan for all vulnerable extensions
-c, --scan-components Scan for vulnerable components
-m, --scan-modules Scan for vulnerable modules
-t, --scan-templates Scan for vulnerable templates
-q, --quiet Scan using only passive methods
Advanced options
--follow-redirection Automatically follow redirections
--no-colour Disable colours in output
--proxy <[protocol://]host:port> HTTP, SOCKS4 SOCKS4A and SOCKS5 are supported. If no protocol is given, HTTP will be used
--proxy-auth <username:password> The proxy authentication credentials
--threads The number of threads to use when multi-threading requests
--user-agent The user agent string to send with all requests

Copyright (C) 2015 rastating
