is a tool that can help you perform, a variety of attacks based on the target domain. With just kanha, you can do, Fuzzing
, Reverse dns lookup
, common http response
, subdomain takeover detection
and many more
The project is inspired by mini.nvim
, basically helping you to be productive with less numbers of tools(plugins) installed on your system be unobtrusive, and function as a standalone single binary
out of the box.
- KISS – Keep things simple and stupid.
- Ease – Write code that can be used elsewhere as well.
- Efficiency – Optimize for performance without sacrificing readability.
:- Just return the HTTP response code of URLs
$ kanha status -h
Just return the HTTP response code of URLs
Usage: kanha status [OPTIONS]
-f, --filename <FILENAME> A file containing multiple urls
-t, --tasks <TASKS> Define the maximum concurrent tasks [default: 20]
--stdin Reads input from the standard in
--exclude <EXCLUDE> Define your status code for selective exclusion
-h, --help Print help
-V, --version Print version
:- Fuzz URLs and return the response codes
$ kanha fuzz -h
Fuzz a URL and return the response codes
Usage: kanha fuzz [OPTIONS] --payloads <PAYLOADS>
-p, --payloads <PAYLOADS> A file containing a list of payloads
-u, --url <URL> A single url
-f, --file-path <FILE_PATH> Path of the file containing multiple urls
-t, --tasks <TASKS> Define the maximum concurrent tasks [default: 20]
--exclude <EXCLUDE> Define your status code for selective exclusion
--stdin Reads input from the standard in
-h, --help Print help
-V, --version Print version
:- Reverse dns lookup
$ kanha rdns -h
Reverse dns lookup
Usage: kanha rdns [OPTIONS] --filename <FILENAME>
-f, --filename <FILENAME> a file containing a list of possible wordlists
--stdin Reads input from the standard in
-h, --help Print help
-V, --version Print version
:- Check possible subdomain takeover
$ kanha takeover -h
Check possible subdomain takeover vulnerability
Usage: kanha takeover [OPTIONS]
-u, --url <URL> A single url
-f, --file-path <FILE_PATH> Path of the file containing multiple urls
-j, --json-file <JSON_FILE> A json file containing signature values of different services
--stdin Reads input from the standard in
-h, --help Print help
-V, --version Print version
:- (De|En) code urls
$ kanha urldencode -h
(De|En) code urls
Usage: kanha urldencode [OPTIONS]
--encode <ENCODE> Provide a url to encode
--decode <DECODE> Provide a url to dencode
-h, --help Print help
-V, --version Print version
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