libinjection fuzzer: fuzz MariaDB/MSSQL/MySQL/PostgreSQL/Oracle database query to find libinjection bypasses

libinjection fuzzer

libinjection is a library that parses parameter value to SQL elements (tokens) and checks if tokens combination (fingerprint) is familiar to SQL-injection attack. This library has high performance and is commonly used by WAF/NGFW solutions.

libinjection-fuzzer is a simple python script that works this way:

  • connects to MySQL database
  • executes query
  • checks for libinjection fingerprint if query was successful

This script is much more slower than similar fuzzers written in C, but works as expected with high accuracy of the results, since it checks payloads on real DB and verifies bypasses via pylibinjection library.

libinjection fuzzer

This tool is supposed to fuzz MariaDB/MSSQL/MySQL/PostgreSQL/Oracle database query to find libinjection bypasses. Related articles:

libinjection: fuzz to bypass

Part 2. libinjection: different databases fuzzing


git clone


# python -h

usage: [-h] [-t {mysql,mariadb,mssql,pgsql,oracle}] -q QUERY -p
PAYLOAD -c CHARS [-u USER] [--password PASSWORD] -d DB
[-o OUT] [--log-all] [--check CHECK] [--threads THREADS]

libinjection fuzzer MariaDB, MSSQL, MySQL, PostgreSQL and Oracle databases

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-t {mysql,mariadb,mssql,pgsql,oracle}, --type {mysql,mariadb,mssql,pgsql,oracle}
Database type: mysql, mssql
-q QUERY, --query QUERY
Query to fuzz
-p PAYLOAD, --payload PAYLOAD
Payload to use
-c CHARS, --chars CHARS
Characters to fuzz
-u USER, --user USER Database user
--password PASSWORD Database user
-d DB, --db DB Database name
-o OUT, --out OUT Filename pattern (default: log)
--check CHECK Check value


python -t pgsql -u pt -d test --log-all -q "select * from users where id='1{}'" -c " \"#\$%&()*+,-./1:;<=>?@[\]^_\`a{|}~!" -p "' + {} union select 'a',version() -- 1"

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