MeterPwrShell v2.0 releases: Bypass AMSI, Bypass Firewall, Bypass UAC, And Bypass Any AVs
Automated Tool That Generates A Powershell Oneliner That Can Create Meterpreter Shell On Metasploit, Bypass AMSI, Bypass Firewall, Bypass UAC, And Bypass Any AVs.
This tool is powered by Metasploit-Framework and
Features (v2.0)
- Automatic Migrate (using PrependMigrate)
- AutoGetSYSTEM (Automatically escalates privilege from normal user to SYSTEM)
- Disable All Firewall Profile (If you use AutoGetSYSTEM feature)
- Fully Bypass Windows Defender Real-time Protection
- Disable Windows Defender Security Features (If you use AutoGetSYSTEM feature)
- Fully unkillable payload (If you use Automatic Migrate feature)
- Bypasses AMSI Successfully
- Short One-Liner
- Bypass Firewall (If you pick an unstaged payload)
- Great CLI
- A Lot More (Try it by yourself)
Advantages Of MeterPwrShell Compared To The web_delivery Module From Metasploit Framework
- Shorter stager (Or short one-liner in this case)
- Various AMSI bypass technique and code
- Dont need to set up a server for the stager
- Support Ngrok built-in (so the victim doesn’t need to be on the same local network)
- Automatic Built-in Privesc
- Easily Bypass Windows Defender
Attack Vectors
- BadUSBs
- Malicious Shortcuts (lnk2pwn)
- Document Macro Payload
- MS DDE Exploit
- Extreme Way: Type it in by yourself
- Any exploit/vulns that let you execute command to a victim
- Idk I have run out of idea lmao