Mozilla announced on Wednesday that the Beta version of Firefox Quantum for Enterprise has been launched. This version also contains the latest and greatest features and features of this open-source browser, but it will be optimized for enterprise users in certain aspects.
Image: Mozilla
The functional differences between the enterprise version of Firefox Quantum and home-facing users will not be great but will be easier to configure and deploy for the enterprise’s IT infrastructure. Enterprise Edition Firefox Quantum comes with management controls that allow administrators to deploy preconfigured browser versions. So an administrator can ensure that Firefox has certain features, such as controlling certain security risks (such as extensions), setting default agents, adding add-ons and bookmarks in Firefox, and so on.
Another advantage is that Mozilla also wants to further integrate existing tools. On Windows, administrators can use Windows Group Policy to create policies. Or they can create a JSON document containing the Mozilla installation directory. This method is suitable for Windows, macOS Sierra, and Linux systems.