A project was created with the aim to emulate and test the exfiltration of data over different network protocols. The emulation is performed w/o the usage of native API’s. This will help blue teams write correlation rules to detect any type of C2 communication or data exfiltration.
Currently, this project can help generate HTTP/HTTPS traffic (both GET and POST) using the below metioned programming/scripting languages:
- CNet/WebClient: Developed in CLang to generate network traffic using the well know WIN32 API’s (WININET & WINHTTP) and raw socket programming.
- HashNet/WebClient: A C# binary to generate network traffic using .NET class like HttpClient, WebRequest, and raw sockets.
- PowerNet/WebClient: PowerShell scripts to generate network traffic using socket programming.
Running the server:
With SSl: python3 ssl
Without SSL: python3
Running the client:
- CNet – CNet.exe <Server-IP-ADDRESS> – Select any option
- HashNet – ChashNet.exe <Server-IP-ADDRESS> – Select any option
- PowerNet – .\PowerHttp.ps1 -ip <Server-IP-ADDRESS> -port <80/443> -method <GET/POST>
Copyright 2022 Musarubra, LLC