Nvidia recently released GeForce Game Ready Driver latest WHQL certified version 391.01, this update to the latest “Final Fantasy 15” PC version, “Warhammer: The Final Plague 2”, “Tank World” and other games are optimized. In addition to boosting the performance of the GTX 10 Series while running Jedi Survival with up to a 7% increase in performance.
For example, 1080P GTX 1050 (inclusive) above the graphics card has a minimum of 3%, up to 7% performance. 2K resolution GTX 1060/1070/1080 at least 5% increase, up 7% increase. At 4K resolution, the frame count for the GTX 1080/1080 Ti is up 7%.
In addition, the driver also added or updated SLI files for “Agents of Mayhem” and “PixArk”.
The last is the repair, including “Call of Duty: World War II” flashing shadows, nvfbcPluginWindows prevent the system shutdown, cold startled to multi-monitor configuration black screen, some NV control panel settings restart after the restore, GTX 965M notebook performance degradation, and other issues.