Octosuite is an open-source lightweight yet advanced osint framework that targets GitHub users and organizations. With over 20+ features, Octosuite only runs on 2 external dependencies. And returns the gathered intelligence in a well and highly readable format.
- Fetches an organization’s profile information
- Fetches an organization’s events
- Returns an organization’s repositories
- Returns an organization’s public members
- Fetches a repository’s information
- Returns a repository’s contributors
- Returns a repository’s languages
- Fetches a repository’s stargazers
- Fetches a repository’s forks
- Fetches a repository’s releases
- Returns a list of files in a specified path of a repository
- Fetches a user’s profile information
- Returns a user’s gists
- Returns organizations that a user owns/belongs to
- Fetches a user’s events
- Fetches a list of users followed by the target
- Fetches a user’s followers
- Checks if user A follows user B
- Checks if the user is a public member of an organizations
- Returns a user’s subscriptions
- Gets a user’s subscriptions
- Gets a user’s events
- Searches users
- Searches repositories
- Searches topics
- Searches issues
- Searches commits
- Automatically logs network activity (.logs folder)
- Users can view, read and delete logs
- …And more
Changelog v3.1.1
- Fixed error in config.py
Install & Use
Copyright (C) 2022 Richard Mwewa