OWASP VBScan v0.1.8 releases: Black Box vBulletin Vulnerability Scanner

OWASP VBScan (short for [VB]ulletin Vulnerability [Scan]ner) is an opensource project in Perl programming language to detect VBulletin CMS vulnerabilities and analyses them.


If you want to do a penetration test on a vBulletin Forum, VBScan is Your best shot ever! This Project is being faster than ever and updated with the latest VBulletin vulnerabilities.

Changelog v0.1.8

  • Updated vulnerabilities database
  • “Email Before Registration Plugin” SQL exploit added
  • “Tapatalk VBulletin plugin” exploit added
  • “Routestring RCE” exploit added
  • Vbulletin possible password logger detector added
  • Allow start from any path
  • OpenRedirection founder module added
  • Vbulletin version comparing module added
  • A few enhancements


git clone https://github.com/rezasp/vbscan.git

usage :

./vbscan.pl <target>
./vbscan.pl http://target.com/vbulletin

OWASP Joomscan Copyright (C) 2018

Source: https://github.com/rezasp/vbscan