decrypt Finds the plaintext (foobar) for given ciphertext (hex:0123abcd)
encrypt Finds the ciphertext (hex:abcd1234) for given plaintext (foo=bar)
analyze Helps find out if the URL is vulnerable or not, and
how the response differs when a decryption error occurs
(for the <error> argument)
<url> URL to attack. Payload will be inserted at the end by default. To specify
a custom injection point, include {POPAYLOAD} in a header (-H),
request body (-d) or the URL
<block_size> Block size used by the encryption algorithm on the server
<error> The string present in response when decryption fails on the server.
Specify a string present in the HTTP response body (like PaddingException)
or status code of the HTTP response (like 400)
-c, --concurrency Requests to be sent concurrently [default: 128]
--disable-cache Disable network cache. Saved to [default: false]
poattack-cache.json.gz.txt by default
-X, --method HTTP method to use while making request [default: GET]
-H, --header Headers to be sent with request.
-H 'Cookie: cookie1' -H 'User-Agent: Googlebot/2.1'
-d, --data Request body
JSON string: {"id": 101, "foo": "bar"}
URL encoded: id=101&foo=bar
Make sure to specify the Content-Type header.