PSGumshoe is a Windows PowerShell module for the collection of OS and domain artifacts for the purposes of performing live response, hunt, and forensics.
The module focuses on being as forensically sound as possible using existing Windows APIs to achieve the collection of information from the target host.
Volatile information functions
- Get-InjectedThread
- Get-NamedPipe
- Measure-CharacterFrequency
- Measure-DamerauLevenshteinDistance
- Measure-VectorSimilarity
- Stop-Thread
Directory Service functions
- Get-DSForest
- Get-DSDirectoryEntry
- Get-DSDirectorySearcher
- Get-DSComputer
- Get-DSDomain
- Get-DSGpo
- Get-DSUser
- Get-DSGroup*
- Get-DSReplicationAttribute
- Get-DSGroupMember
- Get-DSOU
- Get-DSTrust
- Get-DSObjectAcl
Eventlog functions
- Get-EventPsEngineState
- Get-EventPsPipeline
- Get-EventPsIPC
- Get-EventPsScriptBlock
- Get-WinEventBaseXPathFilter
- Get-SysmonProcessAccess
- Get-SysmonConfigChange
- Get-SysmonConnectNamedPipe
- Get-SysmonCreateNamedPipe
- Get-SysmonCreateRemoteThreadEvent
- Get-SysmonDriverLoadEvent
- Get-SysmonFileCreateEvent
- Get-SysmonFileStreamHash
- Get-SysmonFileTime
- Get-SysmonImageLoadEvent
- Get-SysmonNetworkConnect
- Get-SysmonProcessCreateEvent
- Get-SysmonProcessTerminateEvent
- Get-SysmonRawAccessRead
- Get-SysmonRegistryKey
- Get-SysmonRegistryRename
- Get-SysmonRegistrySetValue
- Get-SysmonServiceStateChange
- Get-SysmonWmiBinding
- Get-SysmonWmiConsumer
- Get-SysmonWmiFilter
- Get-SysmonDNSQuery
- Get-SysmonProcessActivityEvent
- Get-EventSystemLogon
- Get-EventSystemLogoff
- Get-EventTerminalLogon
- Get-EventTerminalLogoff
- Get-EventScheduledTaskStart
- Get-EventScheduledTaskProcess
- Get-EventScheduledTaskStop
- Get-EventScheduledTaskComplete
- Get-EventBitsTransferComplete
- Get-EventBitsTransferStart
- Get-SysmonAccessMask
- Get-SysmonRuleHash
- ConvertTo-SysmonRule
- Get-EventProcessCreate
- Clear-WinEvent
- Export-WinEvent
CIM Functions
- Get-CimLogonSession
- Get-CimProcessLogonSession
- Get-CimProcess
- Get-CimComputerInfo
- Get-CimDNSCache*
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Copyright (c) 2016 PSGumshoe