pywhisker: Python tool for Shadow Credentials attacks

pyWhisker is a Python equivalent of the original Whisker made by Elad Shamir and written in C#. This tool allows users to manipulate the msDS-KeyCredentialLink attribute of a target user/computer to obtain full control over that object. It’s based on Impacket and on our Python equivalent of Michael Grafnetter’s DSInternals called PyDSInternals. This tool, along with Dirk-jan’s PKINITtools allows for complete primitive exploitation on UNIX-based systems only.
Pre-requisites for this attack are as follows
- the target Domain Functional Level must be Windows Server 2016 or above.
- the target domain must have at least one Domain Controller running Windows Server 2016 or above.
- the Domain Controller to use during the attack must have its own certificate and keys (this means either the organization must have AD CS, a PKI, a CA, or something like that).
- the attacker must have control over an account able to write the msDs-KeyCredentialLink attribute of the target user or computer account.
Why some pre-reqs?
- Pre-reqs 1 and 2 because the PKINIT features were introduced with Windows Server 2016.
- Pre-req 3 because the DC needs its own certificate and keys for the session key exchange during the AS_REQ <-> AS_REP transaction.
A KRB-ERROR (16) : KDC_ERR_PADATA_TYPE_NOSUPP will be raised if pre-req 3 is not met.
pyWhisker can be used to operate various actions on the msDs-KeyCredentialLink attribute of a target
- list: list all current KeyCredentials ID and creation time
- info: print all info contained in a KeyCredential structure
- add: add a new KeyCredential to the msDs-KeyCredentialLink
- remove: remove a KeyCredential from the msDs-KeyCredentialLink
- clear: remove all KeyCredentials from the msDs-KeyCredentialLink
- export: export all KeyCredentials from the msDs-KeyCredentialLink in JSON
- import: overwrite the msDs-KeyCredentialLink with KeyCredentials from a JSON file
pyWhisker supports the following authentications
- (NTLM) Cleartext password
- (NTLM) Pass-the-hash
- (Kerberos) Cleartext password
- (Kerberos) Pass-the-key / Overpass-the-hash
- (Kerberos) Pass-the-cache (type of Pass-the-ticket)
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