In web development, node. Js tool is the ideal software to use. But identifying a competent node .js developer may be challenging. One must interview a few interested candidates to ensure they hire the best in the industry. For a successful interview to hire a node.js developer in your company or your business, there are specific questions that you need to ask. They should range from javascript basics to, Node.js discrete details and other complex questions regarding internal web development procedures.
Before you begin the interview, you should bear the following points in mind:
- The questions you ask the interviewees should be based on their certifications, industry knowledge, and experience level. That way, the questions that you ask junior developers will differ from those for the senior developers. Your understanding of the applicants’ technical training, experience, and vision can make it easier to identify and hire node.js programmers that are competent for the tasks.
- The level of developer qualification should not prevent you from asking relevant and basic questions because such entry-level node.js information determines the course for the entire interview. The applicant’s potential and the impact such skills will have on your organization can help you identify a capable web developer to help scale your business.
5 Questions to ask a node.js developer in an interview
What is node .js, and how does it work?
Though it might seem like an obvious question, it is not as simple to answer. The question should be the first one in the interview. The ideal answer should be precise on how the software is crucial in the internal development and implementation of various internet technology processes. Applicants who mention the tool features such as Adonis and Express show their mastery of the software and its uses. The use of the tool ranges from applications in the internet of things, building and streaming applications and real-time online chats, and other collaboration-oriented technology.
Can you explain the difference between front-end and back-end development?
Watch out for the answers regarding these questions and take note of the examples the applicant gives. That can help you identify dedicated node.js developers as it shows their focus on user satisfaction with web functionality. Those two aspects will ensure utmost client satisfaction and ease usability due to web functionality features that are the back-end developers’ main focus. Front-end developers focus on visual design and functionality.
How are worker processes important to a web developer?
Asking this question helps you to gauge if the applicant understands the meaning of work processes. Most applicants will start by defining the worker process and then explain how it can help them save time and avoid the monotony of various routine tasks. The keywords in their explanations should be background processes that enable one to work on other tasks concurrently to save time.
Define demultiplexer and REPL. What does the latter do?
Though it is a relatively new term, senior developers should understand event Que and how demultiplexer gathers vital information regarding events and forms quests. Secondly, ensure that the candidates understand the acronym REPL (Read, Evaluate, Print, Loop) definition. You should also check their knowledge on how to execute various JavaScript statements.
What is the difference between block and non-block functions?
You can tell if an applicant is an experienced node.js programmer or a beginner based on the complexity of the questions they answer. Applicants who show a thorough understanding of the blocking and non-blocking functions, tricky questions on the node. js sub-branches and the meaning of terms used in JavaScript can help you evaluate an applicant’s understanding and suitability for the positions of a node.js developer.
The main advantage of the node.js tool is that it facilitates flexible web development to suit every business need. To scale your business to higher levels, you need to hire a qualified and professional node.js app developer. Many candidates may apply for the job as a node.js developer, and it may be challenging for you to choose the best. But the above questions can guide you when conducting an interview. You should know what answers to expect and keenly watch out for relevant terminologies.
The above guidelines are some of the theoretical questions you may ask in the node.js interview. Practical questions and feedback from the applicants on the benefits of node.js compared to other tools and drawbacks can also help you gauge the competence of the web candidates.