The most critical mechanism for a Counter-Strike player is the Counter-Strike Global Offensive ranking system. CSGO players take great pride in bragging about their ranks. In this article, we will show you how the ranking of Counter-Strike Global Offensive works, and all the Pro tips and techniques to get you up and running. Want to take a break from CS:GO? Consider checking out Gamecamp where you can find the best deals for various games that you could be interested in.
CSGO competitive ranking system has 18 distinct ranks. The higher you climb up the competition ladder, the tougher your enemies get, meaning that you have to enhance your abilities, in order to move up in CS GO. Even though your rank does not reflect your skill, but it surely does indicate your potential and makes up for a great CS:GO account to brag about.
These ranks are considered the low tier.
Silver 1 -> Silver 2 -> Silver III -> Silver IV -> Silver Elite -> Silver Elite Master. This is where the new players learn to play the game. If you ever find silvers in your match, you’ll know what we mean by their play-style.
2-Gold Novas
These ranks fall into the lower mid-tier. These are divided into, Nova I Gold -> Nova II Gold -> Nova III Gold
-> Nova Master Gold. Gold Novas are the players who know well about the game and can work around easily in game.
3-Master Guardians
These Upper mid-tier ranks include, Master Guardian I
-> Master Guardian II -> Master Guardian Elite -> Master Guardian Distinguished. These players are usually much advanced and can do all without someone’s help. They know how to rotate, eco, flash, smoke etc.
4-The Elites
Last but not the last, we have the Elite category. Divided into four ranks, these ranks are reserved only for the best. It includes Legendary Eagle -> Legendary Eagle Master -> First Rate Supreme Master and the Global Elite (You won’t wanna mess with these guys).
How the Ranking system Works in CS:GO?
In CSGO, you might have heard about the word ‘Elo’ if you’ve ever played a competitive game. The Match-Making Rank (MMR) of a player depends on multiple variables. This is because CS:GO is not a game meant for 1v1. Teamwork is the most integral part in this 5v5 game, so there are several variables that contribute to these secret MMR points, such as
- K/D ratio
- MVPs
- Bomb defuses
Although the exact variables are still unclear, there are a few things that we can do to increase our chances of getting our rank ascended.
Pro Tips to Rank Faster in CS GO
To help you do that you can use some of these techniques to improve your play-style, which ultimately leads to increased ranks.
- Make sure you know your crosshairs, and how to use them in the
- Practice shooting with different guns and get used to the variations of their spray and recoil.
- Always remember to point your aim at the head (works with most guns).
- You must always warm up before playing a competitive
- Try practicing a single map and master all the key positions of the map, specially the smoking and bombing
- Don’t try and be a hero and go rushing at Collaborate with your teammates, give and listen to commands.
However, if all these tricks and tips seem too tiring and time consuming to you. You can always buy CSGO boosting to help you boost up your rank in no time.