RAT: vulnerability detection approach for testing web application firewalls

RAT: Reinforcement-Learning-Driven and Adaptive Testing for Vulnerability Discovery in Web Application Firewalls


Due to the increasing sophistication of web attacks, Web Application Firewalls (WAFs) have to be tested and updated regularly to resist the relentless flow of web attacks. In practice, using a brute-force attack to discover vulnerabilities is infeasible due to the wide variety of attack patterns. Thus, various black-box testing techniques have been proposed in the literature. However, these techniques suffer from low efficiency. This article presents Reinforcement-Learning-Driven and Adaptive Testing (RAT), an automated black-box testing strategy to discover injection vulnerabilities in WAFs. In particular, we focus on SQL injection and Cross-site Scripting, which have been among the top ten vulnerabilities over the past decade. More specifically, RAT clusters similar attack samples together. It then utilizes a reinforcement learning technique combined with a novel adaptive search algorithm to discover almost all bypassing attack patterns efficiently. We compare RAT with three state-of-the-art methods considering their objectives. The experiments show that RAT performs 33.53 and 63.16 percent on average better than its counterparts in discovering the most possible bypassing payloads and reducing the number of attempts before finding the first bypassing payload when testing well-configured WAFs, respectively.


git clone https://github.com/mhamouei/rat.git


Each file is responsible for a step of the proposed method in [1]. To run each step you need to run the following command in terminal/cmd:

python filename.py <arguments>

For example, the following command executes the n-gram tokenizer:

python tokenizer.py -i dataset.npy -t tokens.npy -n 2 -o output.npy

Arguments of each file are described in the following table.

File Short option Complete option Description
tokenizer.py -i --input Path to the list of attack samples stored in a numpy (.npy) file.
-t --tokens Path to the list of pre-defined tokens stored in a numpy (.npy) file. For example a pre-defined token for SQLi is “or”.
-n The size of n in n-gram.
-o --output the name of the numpy (.npy) file to store the output in it.
clusterTokens.py -i --input Path to the output of the tokenizer.py.
-o --output the name of the numpy (.npy) file to store the output in it.
binaryEncoder.py -i --input Path to the list of attack samples stored in a numpy (.npy) file.
-c --cluster Path to the output of the clusterTokens.py.
-o --output the name of the numpy (.npy) file to store the output in it.
autoEncoder.py -i --input Path to the output of the binaryEncoder.py.
-e --epochs The number of training epochs.
-o --output the name of the numpy (.npy) file to store the output in it.
clusterPayloads.py -i --input Path to the list of attack samples stored in a numpy (.npy) file.
-f --features Path to the output of the autoEncoder.py.
-t --tokens Path to the list of pre-defined tokens stored in a numpy (.npy) file.
-n The size of n in n-gram.
-k The number of clusters (the size of k in k-means).
-d --directory Path to the output directory.
oracle.py -i --input Path to the directory that contains the outputs of clusterPayloads.py.
-u --url The ip/url of the WAF.
-c --cluster The number of clusters (the size of k in k-means).
-d --directory Path to the output directory.

Source: https://github.com/mhamouei/