RdpCacheStitcher is a tool that supports forensic analysts in reconstructing useful images out of RDP cache bitmaps. Using raw RDP cache tile bitmaps extracted by tools like e.g. ANSSI’s BMC-Tools (https://github.com/ANSSI-FR/bmc-tools) as input, it provides a graphical user interface and several placement heuristics for stitching tiles together so that meaningful images or even full screenshots can be reconstructed.
- Show hints where a selected tile might fit best visually
- Provide an ordered list of tiles that could best be placed visually for a selected empty cell
- When hovering over a tile, preview how it might look when placed
- Work with multiple screens per case
- Options to exclude already used, non-square or duplicate tiles
- Crop and export all reconstructed images belonging to a case as PNG
- The sub-window with all available tiles is dockable, i.e. it can be its own window and move to a different display
- Keep individual notes per screen
Download & Use
RdpCacheStitcher is copyright 2020 Bundesamt fuer Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik (BSI)