Rome WebShell
A powerful and delightful PHP WebShell
This is a lightweight PHP webshell, using only vanilla JavaScript and CSS, no jQuery/Bootstrap bloat.
- Fully interactive file explorer, browser directories, and download files instantly
- Upload files directly from the browser
- Execute commands without having to ‘URL encode’ your payloads
- MD5 Password protection, handy to restrain access during a King of The Hill for exemple
- Fully CSS animated, responsive, and delightful FlatUI interface
- Easily customizable, usage of CSS variables makes it easy to use your favorite colors
- Obfuscated, this repository includes an already obfuscated version
git clone https://github.com/Caesarovich/rome-webshell.git
- (Optional) Add a password: set the $pass variable to the MD5 string of your password
- Find a way to upload the file to a webserver
- Access it through your browser
- Enjoy! Explore files, executes commands, and more!
This repository is for educational purposes only. Malicious usage of this repository will not hold the author responsible. Do not pentest without explicit permissions.
Copyright (C) 2021 Caesarovich
Source: https://github.com/Caesarovich/