X-RSA: RSA Attacks Tool

RSA Attacks
X-RSA Factorization


What’s X-RS A?

  • it’s a Tool Which contains a many of attack types in RSA such as Hasted, Common Modulus, Chinese Remainder Theorem, Wiener … etc, and it’s still under development and adding other Attacks.
X-RSA Attackes

X-RSA Attackes

Why X-RS A?

  • X-RSA help you in [CTF, Penetration Testing, Decryption]
  • Written By [ Python 2.7 ]

X-RSA Factorization


git clone https://github.com/X-Vector/X-RSA.git
apt install libgmp-dev libmpfr-dev libmpc-dev
pip install -r requirement.txt


python Attack.py

Copyright (C) 2018 X-Vector 

Source: https://github.com/X-Vector/