According to Security Samsung mobile, the Galaxy S6, Galaxy S6 Edge, Galaxy S6 Edge+ and Galaxy S6 Active will no longer receive Android security updates. However, one day after the release of the announcement, Samsung added S6 Edge+ and S6 Active to the list of security update devices. After all, these two phones were released on the third anniversary of their unsatisfactory launch.
By GadgetsGuy and GalaxyOptimus collage. (Derivative work from [1], [2], and [3]) [CC BY-SA 3.0], via Wikimedia Commons
The Galaxy S6 product line was first launched in April 2015, preloaded with the Android Lollipop system, and has continued to receive a series of updates over the past two years. However, this series of mobile phones stopped at Android Nougat system and could not receive Android Oreo updates.