stegbrute: Fast Steganography bruteforce tool



stegbrute is a fast steganography brute force tool written in Rust using also threads to achieve a faster execution.stegbrute


It is very simple to use and it gives you many options, you can view the program help with the -h or –help option


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StegBrute v0.1.1 - By R4yan

StegBrute 0.1.1
R4yan <>
Steganography bruteforce tool

stegbrute [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] --file-name <file-name> --wordlist <wordlist>

-h, --help Prints help information
-V, --version Prints version information
-v, --verbose shows every try the program does

-x, --extract-file <extract-file> the file name path where you want to write the results [default:
-f, --file-name <file-name> the file name path you want to crack
-t, --threads <threads> number of threads to bruteforce the file [default: 3]
-w, --wordlist <wordlist> path of the wordlist


Options :

  • -x or –extract-file with <file_name> will save the results of the extracted data into the file_name, if no file is specified stegbrute will save your results inside ./stegbrute_results.txt file
  • -t or –threads with <number_of_threads> will launch a number of programs bruteforcing the file simultaneously, incrementing the number of threads doesn’t always mean this will run faster it all depends on how many threads your machine can handle
  • -f or –file_name with <file_name> the file name that stegbrute is going to attack, must be one of these supported formats: JPEG, BMP, WAV, or AU
  • -w or –wordlist with <wordlist> the file where stegbrute is going to take the passwords line by line and then start trying them to the file you want to crack, if you don’t have one you can install for example rockyou.txt


It benchmarks on different wordlists using 3 threads

Wordlist passwords Time
100 841.12ms
1000 8.57s
10000 77.79s
100000 775.93s


Copyright (C) 2020 R4yGM