On January 23, Intel released a statement on its website that it has found the root cause of a reboot of the Broadwell and Haswell platforms that fixes specter vulnerabilities that customers are testing. At the same time, they stopped the deployment of the old version of the patch, that is, do not install the BIOS update.
In response, Dell (EMC) has responded quickly, the latest knowledge base documents suggest that there is no immediate suspension of the BIOS update, the BIOS has been updated should try to roll back to the old version.
Dell attributed the problem to Intel-supplied firmware because it caused the system to restart and crash.
Currently, Dell has removed all affected BIOS from the official channels, will work closely with Intel to come up with a new version as soon as possible.
It is reported that in Specter Vulnerability Variant 2 attack (Branch Target Injection branch target injection, identification code CVE-2017-5715), CPU update microcode required, that is, through the BIOS update can be completely plugged.
Although Intel has long indicated that they provided solutions for nearly 90% of its CPU products in the last five years, it now seems that it may take some time to remedy the situation.