Play ransomware, also known as Balloonfly or PlayCrypt, has emerged as a significant cyber threat since its...
Cobalt Strike
In a detailed report by Trend Micro, the emergence of a new LODEINFO malware campaign has been...
In a recent report by the Insikt Group, cybersecurity analysts reveal how the China-nexus threat actor TAG-112...
Trend Micro has uncovered details about a sophisticated cyberespionage campaign from Earth Estries, also known as Salt...
Quick Heal’s SEQRITE Labs has recently uncovered a significant cyber-espionage campaign dubbed Operation Cobalt Whisper, targeting sensitive...
Cisco Talos researchers uncovered a new and highly adaptive malware family, WarmCookie, also referred to as BadSpace....
The security company Praetorian has released GoffLoader, a tool designed to simplify the execution of BOF files...
Proofpoint researchers have unearthed a suspected espionage campaign distributing custom malware dubbed “Voldemort.” This operation, impacting over...
Cybersecurity researchers at Trend Micro have uncovered a significant expansion in the activities of Earth Baku, a...
A recent report from Cisco Talos has revealed a sophisticated cyberattack targeting a Taiwanese government-affiliated research institute....
A newly identified cyberespionage group, dubbed TAG-100 by cybersecurity firm Recorded Future, has been linked to a...
In a recent report, Unit 42 researchers have revealed a concerning trend: threat actors are increasingly exploiting...
Cyble Research and Intelligence Labs (CRIL) has uncovered a sophisticated cyber campaign linked to the threat actor...
FortiGuard Labs has recently unveiled a sophisticated cyberattack that leverages an Excel file embedded with a VBA...
Cybersecurity firm Rapid7 has uncovered a widespread malvertising campaign that is actively targeting individuals searching for popular...