Tagged: Cobalt Strike


Stealthy New Loader Helps SPARKRAT Malware Evade Detection

Cybersecurity researchers at Kroll have unveiled a worrisome advancement in the notorious SPARKRAT malware toolkit. A new, never-before-seen loader written in Golang is being actively used to sneak SPARKRAT onto targeted systems, allowing the...

Kerberos abuse

Kerbeus-BOF: Beacon Object Files for Kerberos abuse

Kerbeus-BOF Beacon Object Files for Kerberos abuse. This is an implementation of some important features of the Rubeus project, written in C. The project features integration with the C2 frameworks Cobalt Strike and Havoc. Download git clone https://github.com/RalfHacker/Kerbeus-BOF.git Use...

Aggressor script extension

pyCobaltHound: Aggressor script extension for Cobalt Strike

pyCobaltHound pyCobaltHound is an Aggressor script extension for Cobalt Strike which aims to provide deep integration between Cobalt Strike and Bloodhound. pyCobaltHound strives to assist red team operators by: Automatically querying the BloodHound database to discover escalation paths opened...