Tagged: DDoS attacks

Mirai Botnet Variants

New Mirai Botnet Variants with AI-Powered Attacks Observed

A new report from Imperva Threat Research reveals a concerning resurgence of the Mirai botnet, a notorious malware known for its history of large-scale distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks. The research indicates that Mirai has...

Goldoon Botnet

“Goldoon” Botnet Exploits Unpatched D-Link Devices

Security researchers at FortiGuard Labs have uncovered a new botnet campaign. Dubbed “Goldoon,” this botnet is ruthlessly exploiting a nearly decade-old vulnerability in D-Link devices to commandeer them for malicious activities, primarily Distributed Denial-of-Service...

Namecheap DDoS attack

Breaking News: Namecheap Hit by DDoS Attacks

Today, one of the internet giants, Namecheap has been hit by a series of DDoS attacks that threaten to disrupt its operations. Namecheap, an ICANN-accredited domain name registrar, and web hosting company, stands as...

Operation Japan

Operation Japan’s Cyber Response to Fukushima Decision

A new campaign has emerged, stirring significant concern in cybersecurity circles. Dubbed ‘Operation Japan,’ this campaign unfolds against the backdrop of Japan’s controversial decision to release treated water from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power...