Tagged: meterpreter

antipwny: host based IDS for detecting meterpreter session

antipwny Authors: Rohan Vazarkar, David Bitner A host-based IDS/IPS written in C#, targeted at Metasploit Payloads. Current Features Scans Registry for Meterpreter Persistence/MetSvc Active Memory Scans to detect Meterpreter IDS/IPS Mode View outbound connections...

Meterpreter Payload Detection

Meterpreter Payload Detection: detecting Meterpreter in memory

Meterpreter_Payload_Detection.exe tool for detecting Meterpreter in memory like IPS-IDS and Forensics tool Meterpreter Signature Authors: Rohan Vazarkar, David Bitner Note: some API programming and Meterpreter Signature Created by these guys Rohan Vazarkar, David Bitner...