Microsoft Threat Intelligence has uncovered a new spear-phishing campaign orchestrated by the Russian threat actor known as...
A California court has ruled that Israeli firm NSO Group is liable for hacking into WhatsApp and...
A new Federal Trade Commission (FTC) report reveals a dramatic rise in online job scams targeting consumers...
A new iteration of the PixPirate malware has been detected by IBM Trusteer researchers, marking the resurgence...
The BlackBerry Research and Intelligence Team has uncovered a new chapter in the LightSpy espionage campaign, marking...
Netcraft’s latest research details HookBot, a sophisticated Android-based banking Trojan that’s steadily advancing its footprint in the...
Menlo Security has uncovered a new phishing campaign that exploits Google Drawings to bypass security systems and...
Phishing attacks remain one of the most prevalent cyber threats and often serve as the precursor to...
A new, insidious phishing scam impersonating India’s Regional Transport Office (RTO) has been detected, preying on unsuspecting...
Microsoft’s recent observations highlight an ongoing surge in mobile banking trojan campaigns in India. Cybercriminals are exploiting...
Kaspersky Lab specialists have uncovered a Trojan module within modifications of the popular messenger WhatsApp, widely disseminated...
WhatsApp recently addressed two security vulnerabilities in its messaging app for Android and iOS that could have...
According to the gadgets, on February 17 reported that the Indian state payment company said that the...