The developer team of the well-known Tails operating system (also known as Amnesic Incognito Live System or Anonymous OS) said that it now needs everyone’s help to test the integrated VeraCrypt disk encryption software. The move is to give Tails users better security, so these days, the team has been working hard to integrate VeraCrypt, an open source, and free disk encryption utility. VeraCrypt is an on-the-fly disk drive encryption solution that will be adopted by the next generation of the Tails operating system and its default GNOME desktop environment.
When Tails users use this anonymous real-time operating system to protect their identity and online privacy, they can easily unlock encrypted volumes online.
The Tails team created the VeraCrypt Mounter Mounter utility, which explains:
“We worked to integrate VeraCrypt support into the existing GNOME workflow for unlocking encrypted volumes. As a result, most of the features already provided for LUKS volumes are now also provided for VeraCrypt volumes. Additionally, we created a small application, VeraCrypt Mounter.”
It is reported that if users insist on using the default GNOME desktop environment provided in the live ISO image, you can use the GNOME Disks and Nautilus (GNOME Files) applications to unlock the encrypted volume. VeraCrypt will be able to identify encrypted volumes of file containers that contain .hc file extensions.
With the VeraCrypt Mounter utility built by the Tails development team for its Linux-based operating system, users will be able to unlock encrypted volumes that include file containers without .hc extensions.
If you are interested in testing VeraCrypt integrated into Tails and GNOME, you are now able to download the latest beta release of the Tails operating system:
Tails beta ISO image download | Details introduction page
Source: Softpedia