Top 8 Penetration Testing Distributions in 2021

Here is a list of 8 operating systems for penetration testing.
- Kali Linux is a Debian-based distribution for digital forensics and penetration testing, developed and maintained by Offensive Security. Mati Aharoni and Devon Kearns rewrote BackTrack. Kali Linux is the most versatile and advanced penetration testing tool release operating system. Kali tools are often updated and can be used on other platforms, such as VMware and ARM.Download
- Parrot Security: Security GNU/Linux distribution designed with cloud pentesting and IoT security in mind. It includes a full portable laboratory for security and digital forensics experts, but it also includes all you need to develop your own software or protect your privacy with anonymity and crypto tools.
Download - BackBox, also known as BackBox Linux, is a variant of the Linux operating system that is based on Ubuntu. It comes bundled with many tools for performing network penetration testing, security testing, and ethical hacking. It can be used to sniff packets on a network, reverse engineer compiled programs, and other tasks that might be required of a security expert.
Download - The Samurai Web Testing Framework is a live Linux environment that has been pre-configured to function as a web pen-testing environment. The CD contains the best open-source and free tools that focus on testing and attacking websites. In developing this environment, we have based our tool selection on the tools we use in our security practice. We have included the tools used in all four steps of a web pen test.
Download - Weakerthan Linux is a penetration test system based on Debian Squeeze. Its desktop environment is Fluxbox. This system is suitable for WiFi hacking because it contains a large number of wireless tools, including wireless hacking tools. Its website is well built, and there is a very enthusiastic community.
The tools include: Wifi attacks, SQL injection, Cisco Exploitation, password cracking, Web Hacking, Bluetooth, VoIP hacking, social engineering, information gathering, Fuzzing Android Hacking, create a shell and so on.
Download - BlackArch Linux is an Arch Linux-based penetration testing distribution for penetration testers and security researchers.
Download - Network Security Toolkit (NST) This bootable ISO live DVD/USB Flash Drive (NST Live) is based on Fedora. The toolkit was designed to provide easy access to best-of-breed Open Source Network Security Applications and should run on most x86_64 systems. The main intent of developing this toolkit was to provide the security professional and network administrator with a comprehensive set of Open Source Network Security Tools. The majority of tools published in the article: Top 125 Security Tools by INSECURE.ORG are available in the toolkit. An advanced Web User Interface (WUI) is provided for system/network administration, navigation, automation, network monitoring, host geolocation, network analysis and configuration of many network and security applications found within the NST distribution. In the virtual world, NST can be used as a network security analysis validation and monitoring tool on enterprise virtual servers hosting virtual machines.
Download - Pentoo is a security-focused livecd based on Gentoo
It’s basically a Gentoo install with lots of customized tools, customized kernel, and much more. Here is a non-exhaustive list of the features currently included:
+ Hardened Kernel with aufs patches
+ Backported Wifi stack from latest stable kernel release
+ Module loading support ala slax
+ Changes saving on usb stick
+ XFCE4 wm
+ Cuda/OPENCL cracking support with development tools
+ System updates if you got it finally installedPut simply, Pentoo is Gentoo with the pentoo overlay. This overlay is available in layman so all you have to do is layman -L and layman -a pentoo.