tor router: make TOR your default gateway

tor router

Tor Router

Tor Router allows you to use TOR as a transparent proxy and send all your traffic under TOR INCLUDING DNS REQUESTS, the only that you need is a system using systemd (if you want to use the service) and tor.

TOR router doesn’t touch system files as the rest of tools for routing your traffic does and the reason is: there isn’t needed to move files for routing traffic, also moving files is a bad idea since that a failure in the script/tool can break your system connection without you knowing what has happened.



On BlackArch Linux:

# pacman -S tor-router

On another Linux-based distro

$ git clone
$ cd ./tor-router 
$ sudo bash


In distros using systemd, you should consider using the script, anyways the process to install/configure tor-router is described here.

  1. Put the following lines at the end of /etc/tor/torrc
    # Seting up TOR transparent proxy for tor-router
    AutomapHostsOnResolve 1
    TransPort 9040
    DNSPort 5353
  2. Restart the tor service
  3. Execute the tor-router script as root
    # sudo ./tor-router
  4. Now all your traffic is under TOR, you can check that in the following pages: and for DNS tests:
  5. In order to automate the process of the script, you should add it to the SYSTEM autostart scripts according to that the init that you are using, for systemd we have a .service file in the files folder.


Delete the tor-router configuration lines in /etc/tor/torrc, disable the tor-router.service using systemctl (if you used the script), remove /usr/bin/tor-router, /etc/systemd/system/tor-router.service and restart your computer.

Copyright (C) 2018 Edu4rdSHL
