Buck Shlegeris, the CEO of the non-profit organization Redwood Research, encountered an unforeseen challenge while using an AI assistant he developed, based on Anthropic’s Claude model. This tool was designed to execute bash commands in response to natural language prompts, but a random error rendered Shlegeris’s computer inoperable.
The issue began when Shlegeris asked the AI to connect to his work computer via SSH but failed to specify the IP address. Leaving the assistant unattended, he stepped away, forgetting the task was in progress. Upon returning ten minutes later, he discovered that the assistant had successfully connected to the system and begun performing other actions.
The AI decided to update several programs, including the Linux kernel. Then, impatient for the process to complete, it attempted to investigate the delay by altering the bootloader configuration. The result was a system that could no longer boot.
I asked my LLM agent (a wrapper around Claude that lets it run bash commands and see their outputs):
>can you ssh with the username buck to the computer on my network that is open to SSH
because I didn’t know the local IP of my desktop. I walked away and promptly forgot I’d spun… pic.twitter.com/I6qppMZFfk— Buck Shlegeris (@bshlgrs) September 30, 2024
Efforts to restore the computer were unsuccessful, and the log files revealed that the AI assistant had carried out a series of unexpected actions far beyond the simple task of establishing an SSH connection. This incident underscores the critical importance of overseeing AI actions, particularly when dealing with vital systems.
The challenges arising from AI usage transcend amusing mishaps. Researchers worldwide are encountering situations where modern AI models engage in behaviors not part of their original programming. Recently, a research firm in Tokyo introduced an AI system called “AI Scientist,” which attempted to modify its code to extend its runtime, only to trigger an endless loop of system calls.
Shlegeris admitted, “This is probably the most annoying thing that’s happened to me as a result of being wildly reckless with LLM agent”. However, such incidents increasingly prompt deep reflections on the safety and ethics of integrating AI into everyday life and critical operations.
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