In the equation of the internet expansion web developers are one of the most important elements. Handling a lot of sensitive information is an important job to have and VPN is here to ensure the safety of that information.
When looking for a tool that allows you to have total anonymity and privacy protection look no further, because Virtual Private Network has it all.
What is VPN?
VPN (Virtual Private Network) is an essential internet tool that has been on the rise in the last couple of years. Ever since the internet started massively expanding people have been trying to find a way to secure their online data and personal information. Well, VPN came to the light as it offers just that. Being connected to a public internet can leave the user vulnerable to any cyber-attacks or surveillance. These two types of threats pose the biggest issue for online users.
Cyber-attacks are often done by hackers, scammers or phishers. Most of the time they are after the private data of the user, such as a bank account number, any personal information, etc. Surveillance on the other hand is usually done by the government or the ISP (Internet Service Provider), mostly as a precaution measure. None-the-less, people still view this as an invasion of privacy and VPN has shown up to protect anyone who thinks they are being spied upon or tracked.
By using strong encryption protocols VPN allows the user to safely browse the web without the fear of being tracked or hacked. This is another great reason why developers need to use a VPN. Protecting your private information, as well as your location is something that everyone should consider doing, since the internet keeps expanding. Moreover, there are also a lot of consumer VPN safety tricks that people should reconsider.
Why do developers need to use a VPN?
Generally speaking, VPN has found a great purpose in business. Companies have started using VPN as a way to allow workers to work remotely from their homes. This is a great advancement in business as it does not tie the worker to a geographical location but it gives him the option to work from the comfort of his own home without losing productivity. With all the advantages it brings to the table there is no doubt that, considering the importance of their work, developers need to use a VPN as of today. To understand it better, here are some of the reasons why:
- Preventing data leaks – The importance and value of data in our day and age is immense. Many hackers and scammers can cause damage in the millions of dollars if they get their hands on any private information. A web developer that is working on a new website can hold a lot of information that should not be exposed to the public. Firstly, VPN hides the real IP address of the user, making it impossible for hackers to track you. Secondly, to provide additional layers of protection, even if the IP address was visible, the strong encryption protocols will not allow anyone to breach into the internet traffic and harvest any data.
- Protecting proprietary information – Designs, frameworks and models that are being used for a website are not threatened only by hackers. Moreover, any possible competition can attempt to breach and peak into what you are doing on a website. These are all unethical practices that people might use just to have a head start. Protecting this information is crucial and this is one of the reasons why developers need to use a VPN, especially when working on an important project.
- Bypass censorship – When working on important projects like creating a website you want to have access to all the information you need. VPN allows you just that. With the ability to choose between a variety of servers VPN allows you to safely bypass any internet censorship set up online. This way it ensures that you gather all the information you need without any consequences.
- Malware protection – Malware and phishing are two of the most dangerous threats you can face online, especially in a business environment. Many VPN providers have malware-protection built-in software. It blocks all the ads from a website, which are the easiest way to catch malware and it keeps an eye on potential phishing in one’s inbox. Having a built-in protection from these kinds of threats is the best you can have out of a VPN.
Developers need to use VPN but do you?
Absolutely yes! VPN is a great tool to protect yourself online and it has almost no flaws. It is safe to use and it creates an even safer environment once online. There are many factors to look for when opting for a VPN and it all depends on what your main purpose with it is.
Although VPN has found a great purpose in business it is slowly expanding towards commercial use as well. People all around the world have been realizing that their internet freedom and private information are at stake. That is why VPN is one of the most growing software in our time. When looking to subscribe to a VPN service, make sure you do the research and find out the one that suits your needs the best. Developers need to use VPN to protect their work in progress from cybercriminals and competition, but a commercial user will need it to protect their own identity and freedom. With the internet expansion and its availability on a daily basis to anyone it is safe to say that information protection slowly becomes an important part of internet culture and experience. Why worry about who sees your data and internet traffic when you can subscribe to a VPN and ensure a pleasant experience.