This repository contains PowerShell DSC code for the secure configuration of Windows Server according to the following hardening guidelines:
- CIS Microsoft Windows Server 2019 Release 1809 benchmark v1.1.0
- CIS Microsoft Windows Server 2016 Release 1607 benchmark v1.1.0
- Azure Secure Center Baseline for Windows Server 2016
- Windows Event Log and Audit Policy Best Practices
Read more about it on our NVISO Blog
CIS Microsoft Windows Server 2019 Release 1809 benchmark v1.1.0
The CIS1.1.0_WindowsServer2019.ps1 file contains the Powershell DSC configuration applying the CIS Microsoft Windows Server 2019 benchmark with the recommended controls.
The CIS benchmark is available on the following website:
CIS Benchmarks – Center for Internet Security
Please note the following exceptions:
- For some recommended controls in chapter 2.2 (Local Policies: User Rights Assignment), it is not possible to configure some controls due to duplicates.
- For the recommended control (L2) Ensure ‘Allow remote server management through WinRM’ is set to ‘Disabled’, modify to 1 for testing.
- For the recommended control (L1) Ensure ‘Always install with elevated privileges’ is set to ‘Disabled’, it is commented out because this is a duplicate of the recommendation control (L1) Ensure ‘Always install with elevated privileges’ is set to ‘Disabled’.
CIS Microsoft Windows Server 2016 Release 1607 benchmark v1.1.0
The CIS1.1.0_WindowsServer2016.ps1 file contains the Powershell DSC configuration applying the CIS Microsoft Windows Server 2016 benchmark with the recommended controls.
The CIS benchmark is available on the following website:
CIS Benchmarks – Center for Internet Security
Please note the following exceptions:
- For some recommended controls in chapter 2.2 (Local Policies: User Rights Assignment), it is not possible to configure some controls due to duplicates.
- For the recommended control (L2) Ensure ‘Allow remote server management through WinRM’ is set to ‘Disabled’, modify to 1 for testing.
- For the recommended control (L1) Ensure ‘Always install with elevated privileges’ is set to ‘Disabled’, it is commented out because this is a duplicate of the recommendation control (L1) Ensure ‘Always install with elevated privileges’ is set to ‘Disabled’.
Azure Security Center Baseline for Windows Server 2016
The AzSC_CCEv4_WindowsServer2016.ps1 file contains all controls in the Azure Security Center Baseline for Windows Server 2016.
Azure Security Center Baseline for Windows Server 2016 can be found here:
TechNet Azure Security Center Common Configuration
Windows Event Log and Audit Policy Best Practices
The AuditPolicy_WindowsServer2016.ps1 file contains the Powershell DSC code for applying Windows event logging and audit settings best practices.
These best practices are based on guidelines from Malware Archeology:
To apply the CIS benchmark PowerShell DSC code, follow these steps in an elevated PowerShell prompt:
Install the required PowerShell DSC modules:
install-module AuditPolicyDSC install-module ComputerManagementDsc install-module SecurityPolicyDsc
Compile the CIS benchmark PowerShell DSC code:
A MOF file will be created.
Increase the maximum envelope size, by running the following command
Set-Item -Path WSMan:\localhost\MaxEnvelopeSizeKb -Value 2048
Enable Windows Remote management:
winrm quickconfig
Run the following command to apply the PowerShell DSC configuration:
Start-DscConfiguration -Path .\CIS_WindowsServer2016_v110 -Force -Verbose -WaitCopyright (C) 2019 NVISO-BE