WOPR – Windows Operations, Pentest, and Response
A Windows build system to convert Windows into a capable Information Security Operations Platform
Tool List
- clink
- virtualbox
- VirtualBox.ExtensionPack
- win32-openssh
- wireshark
- nmap
- zap
- Firefox
- nodejs.install
- NETFramework4
- Atom
- GoogleChrome
- Cmder
- notepadplusplus
- vlc
- 7zip
- git
- npm
- python2
- electron
- chocolatey
- cain
- nmap
- ncrack
- odbg201
- iwr http:
- volatility_2
- john
- hashcat
- armitage150813
- Metasploit framework-latest
- BloodHoundAD
- BloodHound
- Acheron-VAF
- Subterfuge-Framework
- datasploit
- Empire
- EmPyre
- beef
- nikto
- wpscan
- thc-hydra
- evilgrade
- Responder
- recon-ng
- sslscan
- Threat-Emulation-Toolkit
- rekall
- sqlmap
- exploit-database
- weevely3
- PowerSploit
- nishang
- Kansa
- PowerShellArsenal
- Posh-VirusTotal
- Invoke-SelfSignedWebRequest
PowerShell v4 and up
git clone https://github.com/0sm0s1z/wopr.git
Source: https://github.com/0sm0s1z/