Facebook Inc. Mark Zuckerberg, a chief executive, gave crypto-currency enthusiasts a bit of optimism for the new year. According to Bloomberg reports, Zuckerberg said in a thread on Thursday encrypted currency. In this post, he mentioned how it would work in 2018 to correct the persistent problems with Facebook over the past two years, including the proliferation of hate speech and misinformation.
“There are important counter-trends to this — encryption and cryptocurrency — that take power from centralized systems and put it back into people’s hands,” Zuckerberg wrote. “But they have a risk that is beyond our control and I’d love to dig deeper into understanding the positive and negative aspects of these technologies and how to get the best out of our service.”
Zuckerberg is not the only Facebook executive who has shown interest in this area. David Marcus, the company’s vice president of messaging products, joined Coinbase Inc., one of the world’s largest cryptocurrencies late last year. Board of Directors.
“I’ve been involved with and fascinated by cryptocurrencies since 2012, and I’ve witnessed how Coinbase has started democratizing access to this new asset class,” Marcus said on Dec. 12 in a blog post to Coinbase.
The significance of all this to the digital currency world remains to be seen.
Source: Bloomberg