The London Court of Justice in the United Kingdom has recently tried a juvenile hacking case and sentenced the juvenile to a prison sentence of two years. The hacker boy named Kane Gamble had previously lost his former CIA Director John Brennan and former intelligence director James. The accounts of Clapper and other senior government officials have been committed from 2015 to 2016.
Although Kane Gamble was only 16 years old at the time of the crime, he was already a small head of crackers Crackas With Attitude. The hacking organization Crackas With Attitude destroyed John Brennan’s AOL e-mail account. At the same time, some White House officials were attacked by hackers and suffered some economic losses. Kane Gamble was arrested in February 2016.
The London Court finally ruled that Kane Gamble had to stay in the Juvenile Correctional School for 2 years. Now that Kane Gamble is 18 years old, the court can sentence the hacker according to the normal criminal law.
Source: scmp