ADTimeline: PowerShell script creating a timeline with Active Directory replication metadata
The ADTimeline script generates a timeline based on Active Directory replication metadata for objects considered of interest.
Replication metadata gives you the time at which each replicated attribute for a given object was last changed. As a result, the timeline of modifications is partial. For each modification of a replicated attribute, a version number is incremented. ADTimeline was presented at the CoRI&IN 2019.
Slides of the presentation, in the French language, are available here.
Objects considered of interest retrieved by the script include:
- Schema and configuration partition root objects.
- Domain root and objects located directly under the root.
- Objects having an ACE on the domain root.
- Domain roots located in the AD forest.
- Domain trusts.
- Deleted users (i.e. tombstoned).
- Objects protected by the SDProp process (i.e. AdminCount equals 1).
- The AdminSDHolder object.
- Class Schema objects.
- Existing and deleted Group Policy objects.
- DPAPI secrets.
- Domain controllers (Computer objects, ntdsdsa and server objects).
- DNS zones and admins.
- Accounts with suspicious SIDHistory (scope is forest wide).
- Sites.
- Organizational Units.
- Objects with Kerberos delegation enabled.
- Extended rights.
- Schema attributes with particular SearchFlags (Do not audit or confidential).
- Kerberoastable user accounts (SPN value).
- AS-REP roastable accounts (UserAccountControl value).
- CertificationAuthority objects.
- Cross Reference containers.
- Exchange RBAC roles and accounts assigned to a role.
- Exchange mail flow configuration objects.
- Deleted objects under the configuration partition.
- Dynamic objects.
- The directory service and RID manager objects.
- The Pre Windows 2000 compatible access, Cert publishers, GPO creator owners and DNS Admins groups.
- Custom groups which have to be manually defined.
Files generated
Output files are generated in the current directory:
- timeline.csv: The timeline generated with the AD replication metadata of objects retrieved.
- log-adexport.log: Script log file. You will also find various information on the domain.
- ADobjects.xml: Objects of interest retrieved via LDAP.
- gcADobjects.xml: Objects of interest retrieved via the Global Catalog.
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