Recently, cybersecurity issues have become increasingly prominent, malware developers are constantly competing, researchers have found a new Android monitoring platform, monitoring content, including location-based recording information, the platform also has other features not seen before. According to a report released by Kaspersky Lab on Tuesday, “Skygofree” is likely to be an aggressive security software sold by a company that specializes in the sale of surveillance software in Italy.
The software has been under development since 2014. It relies on five different technologies to gain privileged access and can bypass Android’s own security mechanisms. Skygofree can get call logs, text messages, location information, schedule activities, and some business-related information from the device’s memory chip, as well as access to take pictures and videos.
Skygofree also has the ability to automatically turn on the recording of an attacked cell phone while in a specific location to record conversations and ambient noise. There is also a new feature that steals user’s WhatsApp chat history by abusing the accessibility support provided by the Android system to people with disabilities. Another feature is the ability to connect an attacked cell phone to an attacker-controlled wireless LAN.
Kaspersky researchers wrote in a report: “The Skygofree Android application is one of the most powerful monitoring software we have ever seen and has had many features over many iterations.”
The report said the malware has infected many Italian Android phone users. The malware was spread by forging fake websites.
Reference: securelist