Apple promises to restore the raw performance of older iPhone devices with the upcoming iOS 11.3 mobile operating system update, which is now confirmed by running the latest beta testers. According to some benchmark tests performed by iHelpBR’s Filipe Espósito on iPhone 6 Plus smartphones running iOS 11.2.1 stable or the latest iOS 11.3 beta, device performance returns to its original state when the device is updated to iOS 11.3.
Filipe Espósito said in a tweet:
The Apple iOS 11.3 mobile operating system update will be available this spring with support for all iPhone devices and will include new battery health features to show users the degree of battery degradation and need to be replaced. Although not yet implemented in the current beta, Apple also promised to offer a new handoff feature that will disable older iPhone device users such as iPhone SE, iPhone 6/6 Plus, iPhone 6s / 6s Plus and iPhone 7/7 Plus Intended slowdown implemented in earlier versions.
However, if you choose to disable performance limits on older iPhone devices running iOS 11.3, you must endure unplanned power down conditions such as cold outside, low battery, and so on.
Source: CNET