Following the desktop release, Google introduced the Chrome 67 update for the Android platform, introducing many optimizations and new features, and providing background performance and stability. Among the most noteworthy new features is the Generic Sensor API, which allows web applications to invoke things such as accelerometers, gyroscopes, orientation sensors, and motion sensors, while the newly introduced WebXR Device API creates virtual reality (VR) and enhancements on mobile devices. Reality (AR) experience.
Image: Google
Google wants to advance the AR and VR experience on a variety of devices and platforms, including mobile/desktop VR heads, Google Daydream View, Samsung Gear VR, Oculus Rift, HTC Vive, and Windows Mixed Reality devices.
In addition to the AR and VR experiences, the newly introduced WebXR Device API also supports 360 degrees, data visualization, traditional 2D and 3D video presentation in immersive environments, home shopping, and artistic presentation.